Our approach to providing financial statement compilation services
We conduct our high-quality financial statement compilation services by complying with the International Standard on Related Services 4410 (revised) – Compilation Engagements and using world-class best practices that result in delivering a financial report that complies with the specific provisions of Article 27 of the UAE Commercial Companies Law, the Federal Law No 2 of 2015 (Accounts of the Company) that requires the preparation of the financial statements under IFRS.

Our financial statement compilation process is sophisticated where a specialized accountant compiles the financial statements for your company, an overall analytical review is then done to analyze variances from prior figures. If something comes to our attention that tells us this is inconsistent with our understanding of your business, we’ll advise you to help us investigate the case further, this will help us minimize errors underlying the financial data received. With enough review procedures in the process by managers in our team, you’ll be relieved and satisfied with the results.